Hair Care Tips ♡
#2 Baby formulated shampoos are gentle to your hair and will not strip your hair color ♡!
#4 To help get rid of split ends, mix one egg yolk with 1tbsp of honey. Apply this hair DIY mask to the ends of your hair for 1 hour before washing every 2 weeks ♡!
#5 Massage Aloe Vera into your scalp, leave it for an hour and rinse with warm water for a faster hair growing process ♡!
#6 Avoid hair shampoo that contains alcohol! It makes dry hair even worse ♡!
#7 If possible, let your hair dry on its own. The heat makes your hair very dry and can make it brittle and brake. You can also dry your hair by using a towel (don't rub to hard because it can demage your hair, especially dehydrated hair) ♡!
#8 Brush your hair two times a day! Brushing your hair doesn't just keep it neat - it also moves natural oils from your scalp further down the shaft of your hair. Never brush your hair when it's wet! Remove tangles with a wide-toothed comb. When your hair is dry, brush it gently with a soft-bristle brush, using long strokes that go all the way down your hair. Avoid tugging on your hair.
[ 'Tangle Teezer' brushs are very gentle to your hair and untangling your hair doesn't hurt anymore! It's definitly worth the money! ] ♡!
#9 Masage a few drops of 'Argan Oil' into your hair to make it soft and help it grow! Don't wash it
out! The oil will remove itself after a few hours ♡!
#10 After washing your hair, gently towel dry it then blow it with cool air from your blow-dryer. The cold hair helps the cuticle to lay flat, adding shine and removing frizz ♡!
#11 Mix a tsp of apple cider vinegar and a tsp of glycerin. Mix the ingredients until they are smooth. Mix in a beaten egg. Add 2 tbsp of caster oil and mix again. Apply the mask on the entire length of the hair and wrap a towel around your masked hair. Leave the mask for 2 hours and wash out with warm water and shampoo. The mask should be done 2 times a week. After 1 month you can make masks for prevention. Apply 1 time in 2 weeks ♡!
- hope i helped you! ♡ please comment 'ily' if i did and select a reaction!
- ily bbys xoxo and follow me on instagram @/chaivxnessa